
This website does not offer medical advice

Completing the lab-work and questionnaire alone would not qualify as medical consultation service. Any therapies can only be provided if it is deemed clinically and medically necessary by the healthcare professional, based of the medical history, physical examination the lab-work review and evidence based approach.

The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any therapy program.

The content of the Amaya Antiaging Weight Loss and Zerona Clinic and any links included are intended only for educational and informational purposes or to describe the Center's products and services. This website and its content are not intended to provide professional medical advice, diagnose the health condition of any individual or substitute for professional guidance in the administration of any treatment. You should always seek the advice of a licensed physician or other qualified healthcare practitioner regarding any personal concerns as to symptoms, medical conditions or the use of any products. Such counsel should not be disregarded or delayed based upon any information contained within this website.

Weight gain or Obesity is a multi-factorial condition, reasons may include but are not limited to familial, environmental, metabolism, behavioral, dietary & personal habits, medical & surgical history and physical activity which differ from person to person. For better weight loss results adherence to proposed diet program guidelines and recommended level of activity is required. Hence the outcomes may vary from person to person and no individual results should be seen as typical. The results may be temporary and not guaranteed in any form.

Bioidentical Hormones are not necessarily natural or completely risk free

Bioidentical Hormones is not a medical term and it is not at all equivalent to Natural Hormones. Amaya clinic promotes Iso Molecular Hormone replacement Therapy which means using hormone replacement therapies with hormones which are very much similar to the hormones produced by our body. Bioidentical does not mean Natural Hormones. Even so called Bioidentical hormones AKA iso molecular hormones require at least one single step in the lab to be extracted from its precursor “Disogenin” produced from Soya Bean or Mexican yam.

Hormones are chemicals, irrespective of the the source from the lab or from Soy or Yam. It is possible that patients may have similar effects of excess or deficiency like any other Pharmaco-therapeutic agent. Judicious monitoring of the patients taking hormone replacement therapy is mandatory using labs and clinical correlation by a qualified physician is absolutely mandatory and should not be promoted or misjudged as risk free alternatives of conventional hormone replacement therapies. Iso-molecular hormone replacement therapy is completely voluntary and the risk and benefits are shared equally.

AMAYA™ - The Antiaging & Weight Loss Clinic offers antiaging care, natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, medical weight loss programs, low calorie diet, stress reduction methods, nutritional evaluation and consult, skin care, yoga, personalized exercise plans and wellness medicine for men and women. Our aim is to rejuvenate your lives with internal and external health restoration. Amaya presents the latest therapies that can help you restore your health, youthful glow, obtain a lean physique, and recapture your vitality.

The dynamic application of the Zerona lipo laser, antiaging therapies such as bioidentical hormones, life style modification education, and physician monitored weight loss utilizing the Medical Weight Loss Program is the hallmark of a complete Amaya Natural Antiaging Program.
